
This proposal standardizes a method for adding plugins and composable logic to smart contract accounts built on existing interfaces like ERC-4337 (e.g., ERC-4337’s IAccount). Specifically, by formalizing how applications can use the ERC-4337 Entry Point NonceManager and the emission of the IEntryPoint UserOperationEvent to account for plugin interactions, as well, as how to extract designated validators (in this case, by means of IAccount’s validateUserOp), accounts can specify how they call plugin contracts and grant special executory access for more advanced operations. Furthermore, this minimalist plugin approach is developer-friendly and complimentary to existing account abstraction standards by not requiring any additional functions for contracts that follow the IAccount interface (itself minimalist in only specifying one function, validateUserOp).


Smart contract accounts (contract accounts) are a powerful tool for managing digital assets and executing transactions by allowing users to program their interactions with blockchains. However, they are often limited in their functionality and flexibility without sufficient consensus around secure abstraction designs (albeit, the adoption of ERC-4337 is the preferred path of this proposal). For example, contract accounts are often unable to support social recovery, payment schedules, and other features that are common in traditional financial systems without efficient and predictable schemes to delegate execution and other access rights to approximate the UX of custodial and more specialized applications.

Account abstraction standards like ERC-4337 have achieved simplification of many core contract account concerns such as transaction fee payments, but to fully leverage the expressive capability of these systems to accomplish user intents, minimalist methods to delegate contract account access and validation to other contracts would aid their UX and extend the benefits of centering operations around the Entry Point.

While the IAccount interface from ERC-4337 does not specify a way to add custom validation logic to contract accounts to support plugins and similar extensions without upgrades or migrations, it nevertheless contains sufficient information to do so efficiently. This proposal therefore offers a method for adding plugins and other composable validation logic to smart contract accounts built on existing interfaces with singleton nonce-tracking like ERC-4337’s IAccount and NonceManager.


The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.

diagram showing proposed flow

We leverage the key in ERC-4337 semi-abstracted nonce as the pointer to validator identifier. If a non-sequential key (>type(uint64).max) is used as an ERC-4337 Entry Point UserOperation (userOp) nonce, the validateUserOp function in the sender contract account MUST extract the validator identifier, this MAY be the address itself or a pointer to the validator address in storage. Once the validator contract address is extracted, the proposed contract account (henceforth, shall be referred to as MADV account) MUST forward the userOp calldata to the validator. This calldata SHOULD be the entire userOp. In response to this delegated validation, the validator contract MUST return the ERC-4337 validationData, and the MADV sender account MUST return this as the validationData to the Entry Point.

In all of the above validation steps, the validator contract MUST respect the ERC-4337 Entry Point conventions. Note, that while validator key data might be included elsewhere in a UserOperation to achieve similar contract account modularity, for example, by packing this data into the signature field, this proposal opts to repurpose nonce for this pointer to minimize calldata costs and to benefit from the EntryPoint’s getNonce accounting, as well as the discoverability of user plugin interactions in the UserOperationEvent which exposes nonce but not other userOp data.

ERC-4337 references:

PackedUserOperation interface

 * User Operation struct
 * @param sender                - The sender account of this request.
 * @param nonce                 - Unique value the sender uses to verify it is not a replay. In MADV, the validator identifier is encoded in the high 192 bit (`key`) of the nonce value
 * @param initCode              - If set, the account contract will be created by this constructor/
 * @param callData              - The method call to execute on this account.
 * @param accountGasLimits      - Packed gas limits for validateUserOp and gas limit passed to the callData method call.
 * @param preVerificationGas    - Gas not calculated by the handleOps method, but added to the gas paid.
 *                                Covers batch overhead.
 * @param gasFees               - packed gas fields maxPriorityFeePerGas and maxFeePerGas - Same as EIP-1559 gas parameters.
 * @param paymasterAndData      - If set, this field holds the paymaster address, verification gas limit, postOp gas limit and paymaster-specific extra data
 *                                The paymaster will pay for the transaction instead of the sender.
 * @param signature             - Sender-verified signature over the entire request, the EntryPoint address and the chain ID.
struct PackedUserOperation {
    address sender;
    uint256 nonce;
    bytes initCode;
    bytes callData;
    bytes32 accountGasLimits;
    uint256 preVerificationGas;
    bytes32 gasFees;
    bytes paymasterAndData;
    bytes signature;

IAccount interface

interface IAccount {
     * Validate user's signature and nonce
     * the entryPoint will make the call to the recipient only if this validation call returns successfully.
     * signature failure should be reported by returning SIG_VALIDATION_FAILED (1).
     * This allows making a "simulation call" without a valid signature
     * Other failures (e.g. nonce mismatch, or invalid signature format) should still revert to signal failure.
     * @dev Must validate caller is the entryPoint.
     *      Must validate the signature and nonce
     * @param userOp              - The operation that is about to be executed.
     * @param userOpHash          - Hash of the user's request data. can be used as the basis for signature.
     * @param missingAccountFunds - Missing funds on the account's deposit in the entrypoint.
     *                              This is the minimum amount to transfer to the sender(entryPoint) to be
     *                              able to make the call. The excess is left as a deposit in the entrypoint
     *                              for future calls. Can be withdrawn anytime using "entryPoint.withdrawTo()".
     *                              In case there is a paymaster in the request (or the current deposit is high
     *                              enough), this value will be zero.
     * @return validationData       - Packaged ValidationData structure. use `_packValidationData` and
     *                              `_unpackValidationData` to encode and decode.
     *                              <20-byte> sigAuthorizer - 0 for valid signature, 1 to mark signature failure,
     *                                 otherwise, an address of an "authorizer" contract.
     *                              <6-byte> validUntil - Last timestamp this operation is valid. 0 for "indefinite"
     *                              <6-byte> validAfter - First timestamp this operation is valid
     *                                                    If an account doesn't use time-range, it is enough to
     *                                                    return SIG_VALIDATION_FAILED value (1) for signature failure.
     *                              Note that the validation code cannot use block.timestamp (or block.number) directly.
    function validateUserOp(
        PackedUserOperation calldata userOp,
        bytes32 userOpHash,
        uint256 missingAccountFunds
    ) external returns (uint256 validationData);

NonceManager interface

     * Return the next nonce for this sender.
     * Within a given key, the nonce values are sequenced (starting with zero, and incremented by one on each userop)
     * But UserOp with different keys can come with arbitrary order.
     * @param sender the account address
     * @param key the high 192 bit of the nonce, in MADV the validator identifier is encoded here 
     * @return nonce a full nonce to pass for next UserOp with this sender.
    function getNonce(address sender, uint192 key)
    external view returns (uint256 nonce);


     * An event emitted after each successful request
     * @param userOpHash - unique identifier for the request (hash its entire content, except signature).
     * @param sender - the account that generates this request.
     * @param paymaster - if non-null, the paymaster that pays for this request.
     * @param nonce - the nonce value from the request.
     * @param success - true if the sender transaction succeeded, false if reverted.
     * @param actualGasCost - actual amount paid (by account or paymaster) for this UserOperation.
     * @param actualGasUsed - total gas used by this UserOperation (including preVerification, creation, validation and execution).
    event UserOperationEvent(bytes32 indexed userOpHash, address indexed sender, address indexed paymaster, uint256 nonce, bool success, uint256 actualGasCost, uint256 actualGasUsed);


This proposal is designed to be a minimalist extension to ERC-4337 that allows for additional functionality without requiring changes to the existing interface. Keeping the proposal’s footprint small.

Further, by repurposing the nonce field for the validator identifier we minimize calldata costs and leverage existing getNonce accounting. The UserOperationEvent emits nonce which can be used for tracking validator invocations without additional events. Other options like packing the validator identifier into the signature field were considered but were rejected due to potential for conflict with other signatures schemes and increased opaqueness into validator invocation.

This proposal allows for MADV accounts to specify their own method for extracting the validator address from the nonce. This provides flexibility to account developers and supports both “just in time” validators as well as a more predictable storage pattern for plugin reuse.

The requirement is simply to use nonce for encoding an identifier and to return the validationData from the extracted validator contract to the EntryPoint in line with the requirements of the ERC-4337 validateUserOp function.

Backwards Compatibility

No backward compatibility issues found.

Reference Implementation

See the MADV reference implementation for a simple example of how to implement this proposal.

Security Considerations

As this proposal introduces no new functions and leaves implementation of the validator extraction method and approval logic open to developers, the surface for security issues is intentionally kept small. Nevertheless, specific validator use cases require further discussion and consideration of the overall ERC-4337 verification flow and its underlying security.

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